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Select Your Ad Type Below:

Text Classified Ad

1. Economical, Charges per line/word
2. Ad appearing in simple running text
3. Enhance with Tick, Border & Bold

Classified Display Ad

1. More Visible & Expensive
2. Use images/logos+ formatting
3. Rate charged onper basis

How to book a Personal Ad ?

1. Select Newspaper: Select from free newspapers available.
2. Compose Ad: Enter the details of the ad in the next page.
3 Make Payment Complete payment online and hassle free.

Why Book Personal Ad in Newspapers ?

As technology advances, it’s easy to forget about traditional methods of communication, such as newspapers. However, booking a personal ad in a newspaper can still be a valuable way to get your message across. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Reach a Wide Audience: Newspapers have a wide readership, especially local newspapers. If you’re looking to reach a specific community, a local newspaper can be an effective way to do so. Additionally, many newspapers have both print and online versions, which means your ad can reach even more people.

2. Personal Touch: Personal ads allow you to communicate your message in a more intimate way. Whether you’re announcing a birth or engagement, or seeking a lost pet, a personal ad can convey emotion and connect with readers on a personal level.

3. Cost-Effective: Compared to other advertising options, personal ads in newspapers can be relatively inexpensive. Many newspapers offer discounted rates for multiple insertions, so you can keep your message in front of readers for an extended period of time without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, booking a personal ad in a newspaper can still be an effective way to communicate your message. With its wide readership, personal touch, cost-effectiveness, trustworthiness, targeted advertising, and lasting impact, a personal ad in a newspaper can help you connect with your audience and achieve your goals. So next time you need to get the word out, consider booking a personal ad in your local newspaper.