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Select Your Ad Type Below:

Text Classified Ad

1. Economical, Charges per line/word
2. Ad appearing in simple running text
3. Enhance with Tick, Border & Bold

Classified Display Ad

1. More Visible & Expensive
2. Use images/logos+ formatting
3. Rate charged onper basis

How to Book a Retail Ad in Newspapers ?

1. Select Newspaper: Select from free newspapers available.
2. Compose Ad: Enter the details of the ad in the next page.
3 Make Payment Complete payment online and hassle free.

Why Book Retail Ad in Newspapers ?

First and foremost, newspapers have a wide reach. Even in the age of the internet, millions of people still read print newspapers every day. This means that by booking an ad in a newspaper, you have the potential to reach a large and diverse audience.

In addition, newspapers offer a level of credibility that can be difficult to achieve through other forms of advertising. Many people still view print media as a trustworthy source of information, and seeing your retail ad in a newspaper can lend your business a sense of legitimacy.

Another advantage of newspaper advertising is the ability to target specific geographic areas. If your retail business operates in a particular region or city, booking an ad in a local newspaper can be an effective way to reach potential customers in your area. This is especially true if your business caters to a niche market or has a specific target audience.

Furthermore, newspaper ads can be highly customizable. You can choose the size and placement of your ad, as well as the color scheme and overall design. This means that you can create an ad that perfectly aligns with your brand and messaging.

In conclusion, booking a retail ad in a newspaper can be a smart move for businesses looking to reach a wide and diverse audience, establish credibility, target specific geographic areas, customize their messaging, and track the effectiveness of their advertising. While print media may not be as flashy or trendy as digital advertising, it still has a valuable role to play in today’s marketing landscape.