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Select Your Ad Type Below:

Text Classified Ad

1. Economical, Charges per line/word
2. Ad appearing in simple running text
3. Enhance with Tick, Border & Bold

Classified Display Ad

1. More Visible & Expensive
2. Use images/logos+ formatting
3. Rate charged onper basis

How to Book a Education Ad in Newspapers ?

1. Select Newspaper: Select from free newspapers available.
2. Compose Ad: Enter the details of the ad in the next page.
3 Make Payment Complete payment online and hassle free.

Why Book Education Ad in Newspapers ?

Newspapers have been a trusted source of information for generations, and they remain a popular medium for people to get their daily news. By booking an education ad in a newspaper, you can reach out to a wide audience and effectively promote your educational institution.

One of the primary benefits of advertising in newspapers is the reach it provides. Newspapers have a wide circulation and are read by people from all walks of life. This means that your education ad will not only reach students but also parents, teachers, and other professionals who may be interested in your institution.

Moreover, newspapers offer a targeted approach to advertising. You can choose to publish your education ad in a specific section of the newspaper, such as the education or career section, to ensure that it reaches your desired audience. This helps you to get the most out of your advertising efforts and ensures that your ad is seen by the people who are most likely to be interested in your institution.

Another advantage of advertising in newspapers is the trust factor. People have a higher level of trust in newspapers compared to other forms of media. This is because newspapers are seen as a reliable source of information and are held to high journalistic standards. By advertising in a newspaper, you can take advantage of this trust factor and establish credibility for your educational institution.

In conclusion, booking an education ad in newspapers is a smart and effective way to promote your educational institution. Newspapers offer a wide reach, a targeted approach, and a high level of trust, making them an ideal medium for educational advertising. With careful planning and a well-designed ad, you can effectively reach out to your target audience and establish credibility for your institution.